The university’s Gender and Development Resource Center (GADRC) sponsored the 7th Gender and Development Research Conference seeking to identify innovative and relevant research results for presentation and publishing on 19 October 2022 at the Babaylan Training Room.
Dr. Melbourne R. Talactac, Vice President for Research and Extension delivered the opening message in which he advised the participants, particularly those who were just starting in research, not to be unduly sensitive to the reactors’ comments since he believed that the reactors’ feedback would help them enhance their future study. Furthermore, he hoped that reactors would be humane in their criticisms of all the papers that will be presented. He concluded by applauding everyone, believing that presenters and reactors would help each other succeed.
Following the opening message, Mr. Gian Carlo R. Sison, GADRC Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant, discussed the mechanics of evaluation as well as the objectives, house rules, and program flow while Ms. Raecel A. Estebat, In-Charge of Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation, introduced the reactors of the conference composed of Dr. Marietta C. Mojica, a retired Professor VI; Dr. Almira G. Magcawas; Director of Extension Services; and Dr. Agnes C. Francisco, Director of Knowledge Management Center, as well as the participants.
The presenters of the research conference were given fifteen (15) minutes to discuss their study and additional five (5) minutes were allotted for the questions and suggestions of the reactors. There were fourteen (14) presenters from various campuses, colleges, and units.
After deliberation, the research study “Ang mga Armadong Kababaihang Filipino at ang Militarismo sa Pilipinas” by Prof. Gil D. Ramos, got the third place; “Breakdowns to Breakthroughs: Growth After Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) of Filipino Women” of Ms. Ainah O. Salcedo secured the second place; and “ISpeak Signs: A Filipino Sign Language Learning Application with Static FSL Recognition for Cavite State University – Cavite City Campus Gender and Development Unit” by Ms. Marie Ann Karen de Guzman, Mr. John Bernard Tinio, Ms. Rei Anne P. Velasco, Mr. King David J. Agreda, and Ms. Teresita R. Tolentino bagged the first place.
On behalf of Dr. Miriam D. Baltazar, Director for Research, Dr. Louzilla Masana, Assistant Professor III and Faculty Researcher of the Department of Arts, Sciences, Education, and Technology at CvSU General Trias City Campus delivered the closing message commending the event for being extremely significant since it demonstrates colonial work that not only adds information, solutions, and gaps in gender and development but also integrates them in a research institution. She hoped that everyone would continue to strive in research and congratulated everyone for a job well done.
Ms. Maria Czarina P. Sioco, In-Charge of Data Banking and Publication, served as moderator for this activity which was attended by 21 females and 13 males. (MCPSioco)